



【摘要】  背景  幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染与多种上消化道疾病包括胃癌有关,而我国Hp感染状况尚无大宗调查报告。目的  通过调查了解我国各地区Hp的部分流行病学特征为防治提供参考。方法  中国幽门螺杆菌科研协作组从2002年1月~2004年6月对全国19个省、市、自治区一般人群26341人Hp感染的危险因素、地理差异与Hp感染率等进行调查。结果Hp的总感染率为56.22%,广东地区 Hp 感染率最低为 42.01%,西藏 Hp 的感染率最高为 84.62%。成人各年龄组、性别间无显著性差异。Hp 感染的危险因素可能与水源、职业、环境、生活条件、教育水平有关。吸烟、饮酒与 Hp 感染的关系需进一步研究。结论 本研究数据显示我国一般人群 Hp 感染率相对较高,间接粪-口传播和生活条件是 Hp 感染的重要危险因素,初步结果显示多数在儿童期即被 Hp 感染。


【Abstract】 Background Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) infection is associated with various upper gastrointestinal diseases including gastric cancer. Objective To provide new data for prevention and treatment of H.pylori through an investigation on part of epidemiological characteristics in 19 provinces and autonomous regions, China. Methods To study the prevalence, geographical variation and risk factors of H.pylori infection in the general population in China, a nationwide investigation including 26,341 people from 19 provinces and autonomous regions was performed from January 2002 to June 2004. Results Overall, 56.22% of the subjects were H.pylori positive. The prevalence rate of H.pylori infection was lowest in Guangdong province, which was 42.01%, and highest in Tibet, which was 84.62%. There were no differences in age, sex between H.pylori positive and negative people. The factors which may be associated with H.pylori infection were water source, occupation, living environment, and education level. Conclusions These data suggest that, the prevalence of H.pylori infection in China is relatively high, in general population, indirect fecal-oral transmission and living condition are important risk factors for H.pylori infection. As previous results, H.pylori infection is mostly acquired in childhood. Further investigation is needed to determine whether smoking and drinking are associated with H.pylori infection.



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